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Health care


Health care is a priority for 500cosmetics and that is why we bring you these products to improve it. After studying which are the most common conditions of our health, we have developed specific products to prevent them: improve the immune system, reduce calories and take care of the prostate.

Pills to control anxiety

Capsules - ZEN PILLS

Zen Pills is a food supplement that controls anxiety and improves your mood. They are natural relaxant pills which lower stress levels and promote a better night's sleep. They are suitable for specific time of depression and despair

Pastillas para controlar la ansiedad Zen Pills, XS Natural

Zen Pills are indicated for:

Calm stress levels

Improve your mood

Help get a good night’s rest

Price: US$18.66

Capsulas para controlar a ansiedade

Cápsulas - 500Cosmetics Tryptophan Pills

São cápsulas de ingredientes totalmente naturais que ajudam a controlar a ansiedade e a relaxar o corpo e a mente, melhorando assim o seu humor.

Pastillas para controlar la ansiedad 500Cosmetics Tryptophan Pills, XS Natural

500Cosmetics Tryptophan Pills está indicado para:

Controlar a ansiedade e melhorar seu humor

Relaxar seu corpo e sua mente

Ajudar você a dormir melhor

Price: US$23.34


Strengthens the immune system

Reishum is a food supplement, in the form of capsules, intended to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, provide vitamin C, and improve respiratory health, among others.

Pastillas para mejorar el sistema inmune y el estado de ánimo

Reishum is indicated for:

Strengthen the immune system

Regulate metabolism

Improve respiratory health

Price: US$16.79


Promotes the elimination of fat and cholesterol in the blood

Lipidio is a food supplement designed to promote the elimination of fat and cholesterol in the blood until it reaches normal levels and prevent its absorption in excess at the intestinal level, which favors correct levels in the blood.

Lipidio favorece la eliminación de grasa y colesterol en sangre hasta alcanzar niveles normales e impedir su absorción en exceso a nivel intestinal.

Lipidio is indicated for:

Reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

Increase antioxidant and cardioprotective power.

Regulate blood pressure.

Price: US$25.66